Sunday, 13 July 2008


Welcome to my new Blog.

In this first message I would like to answer a few questions which you, the person reading this, might be asking yourself.

Why a Blog?
For many reasons, but mostly to express myself as well as taking part in a personal experiment that hundreds of thousands of other people worldwide have already taken part in. Writing a Blog is a worldwide cultural development and I did not want to be left-over not taking part in this, not experiencing this part of electronic life.

Why now?
Perhaps because this year is the 20th year that I have been using the Internet. Perhaps because July 14th is Bastille Day. Perhaps because the sun is shining out there and today is the first day of the rest of my life? To tell you the truth, it's been years since I've wanted to start something like this, but I've never had the time to do it. Today, I do.

What are you looking to achieve through this Blog?
Nothing and everything. I have entitled this Blog "Gnothi Seauton" - Know Thyself.
Could this be a purely hedonistic experience?

In reality, I hope to be able to stimulate thinking in a reader's mind, to stimulate their imagination, to allow them to bring the Best of themselves and why not, to stimulate their appetite for writing their own Blog. I am fully conscious that I might fail miserably at that exercise.

I also have opinions on a number of issues related to the Internet. I've seen this baby grow. I'd love to see it grow further. In 1988, I felt the Internet would revolutionize the world. It did, even though in this length of time, I came across dozens of powerful people deciding on my future, laughing at the concept that the Internet was something Big. "This is a hobbyist network", they said. "If you're lucky, there will be a maximum of 3000 users in England". "Banks and corporations will never want to be connected because it will be a security risk". "Our government will never allow access because it will destabilize the area". "Our culture is unique and we need to protect it" etc. etc.
What we all need to understand is that the extent to which the Internet will further revolutionize the world in the future will greatly surpass what's happened so far. We are still at pioneering stage. We have a tool in our collective possession that will either lead to World Peace or to World Destruction. How it turns out, is what we will make it to be. With my experience of "living" the Internet, I hope that I shall be able to, from time to time, make helpful suggestions which will benefit the Internet as a whole.

If all else fails, this will be a place where I can vent my frustrations and angers. I am looking forward to succeed but am also prepared for failure. Are you?

Who are you?
Find out by clicking on the relevant link.

How much time will you spend writing here?
I don't know.

Are you not concerned that some people will take your writings against you?
Are you not concerned that you'll die mute? God has given you a brain and a mouth to express yourself. Respect others and they will respect you. To those who will show no respect, forgive them, for they do not know what they are missing in Life.

Do you accept suggestions?
Of course. Dialogue is the whole point of this exercise. I've realised that thinking about a subject alone, one tends to focus on immediate pre-channelled cognitive processes already established in one's mind. Dialogue brings new ideas to mind. You like what I write about? Say it! You hate it? Say it too! You don't care? Well, please care enough to say it. Thanks! Just remember one thing: this is my Blog, so please respect my space and don't vandalise it. The line is thin, but it's there.

I'll stop here - this Welcome message is already too long. Enjoy the experience!

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